Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week 7

Well, it’s already the end of the seventh week, and that means we’re getting closer to our final project. Again, this week’s topics, learner autonomy and one computer classroom, are quite helpful. First of all, according to many studies, students in Taiwan become less motivated as they study inside the classroom along the way, and they usually sit quietly and listen to what the teacher has to say throughout the whole class. So, how to foster learner autonomy is a big challenge to most teachers in Taiwan.
Then, we do only have one computer in the classroom, and the required readings provide many useful techniques to engage as many students as possible, such as learning center, presentation tool, communication station, simulation center, etc. The idea is to make the most use of the only one computer, and teachers can make the classroom such a wonderful learning environment full of outside and interactive resources with the help of Internet connection.
As for the tasks, we need to find a peer reading partner and create a one computer classroom lesson plan. I was honored to be invited by Thin Peng to be his partner. What’s more, we talked in person through Skype on Thursday night. Not only did we exchange ideas and thoughts about this online course, I also introduced a little bit about Taipei, such as the good food, night markets and the MRT. Following that, I created a lesson plan based on the ideas and techniques of one computer classroom from the suggested articles. When I was in the middle of doing this task, I suddenly realized that I also gained many clues of what I should do for my draft final project.
Now I already have difficulty imagining life after this online course because I’m so used to reading articles, creating posts and doing the tasks every day. They gradually have become a part of my life, especially every time when I feel I learn something new and useful and just can’t wait to give it a try to see if it works in the classroom. Besides, talking to one of your classmates in English is really a good learning experience, and I was already quite impressed by the way he always effectively organizes his thoughts in his posts before talking to him. So, though the course itself is a little demanding and tiring, I do believe I’m also making myself become a more professional teacher.


  1. Hi Richard,

    You know, I sympathize with you because I’m feeling and thinking the same things you are.

    I too am going to miss this course when it ends. I’m going to miss my online friends, all the talking and discussion between us. I going to miss our blog reading and commenting, the friendliness that we have built between us. So many different people from all over the world with different backgrounds, religions, languages, customs and we all get on together.
    We are friendly, we joke and are serious about our endeavors. We exchange ideas and we learn with each other. There is so much respect.

    Then there is Robert. He expertly guides us, teaches us, helps and gives us a lot of support. We work on our own but we know that he is forever present. He is kind, considerate and respectful.

    I have really loved this course and all that has come with it. I’m going to miss everyone and everything, even the stress it has caused in my life.

    I really would like us to keep in contact after the course. Then, we can carry on exchanging ideas and contacting each other and getting to know each other better. What do you think about this?

    Robert, my colleagues and this course have made me a different person, a better person, personally and professionally. I have learned that when humankind wants, we can live together in harmony and piece.

    Therefore, my dear friend, don’t think that you are alone with your feelings and your thoughts because I’m going through the same situation.

    Till next time,

    1. Dear Filomena,

      First, I would like to thank your for the kind and detailed comment. And yes, I can definitely feel that we both share a lot in common about this online course not just because of the new ideas and techniques we have learned, but also the people we've known. Then, I would also like to keep in touch with you after this course, especially I really admire your original designs for your students. It would be my honor to keep on learning from wonderful English teachers like you. So, we're not in the same timezone, but maybe someday we can also talk through Skype. Who knows? My account is liguozhen, and please add me to your contact list.


  2. Hi Richard,

    I'm happy for you; firstly, you have finished this week's tasks and secondly, you have contacted with Thin through Skype. You're really making good use of the web. I'll try to do the same with my partner.

    Like you, I get used to working 4-5 hours per day, and I'm happy with everything we have learnt so far. It's all great staff and very helpful for us as teachers. Above all, I'm going to miss the supportive community we built. I hope we would keep in touch somehow.

    I'll try to go on working everyday on researches. This would help me develop professionally and improve the skills I have gained through this course.

    Wish you the best,

    1. Dear Naglaa,

      Talking to one of your classmates in person through Skype is such a wonderful experience. We may be hundreds of miles away, but with the help of technology, we can just talk to other passionate English teachers around the world. Isn't it great? As for the final project, I couldn't help reminiscing about my thesis, and it wasn't entirely a very good memory. So, I really hope I can get it done in time.


  3. Hi Richard,

    Permit me to say something. One computer in the classroom is quite a common scene in most if not all schools. Most if not all schools have computer labs which can take in one class of students. Many techniques were discussed and I definitely feel they are good and rationale ones. By rationale, I mean they can be carried out. However, just a word of caution, if we try too many of them in one lesson, we risk facing failure. Guess we have to be very careful about trying to squeeze too much in too little a time. This is just food for thought.

    Thin Peng

  4. Richard~ How exciting that you and Thin Peng have skyped together. I do love it when webskills participants go beyond the requirements of the class and take things to a new level. I firmly believe a skype like program will be used much more frequently in classes like this in a few years. ~Robert
