Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 10

I can’t believe this online course finally comes to an end. I can’t remember how many times I said that I have learned so much form this program, either. What’s more, being able to learn and exchange ideas with so many wonderful teachers around the world is just amazing. Without a doubt, I’ll sign up for another course if there is any in the future.
It’s really difficult to say which topic or tool is the most successful because they were so connected to each other. To me, looking back on those past ten weeks, I just enjoyed every assignment I have done, including the readings, discussions, tasks, reflective blog and the final project. For me, this course itself is Project-Based Learning because we kept on leaning something new each week in order to finish the final project step by step along the way.
The way Robert organized this course and guide all the participants to the final project is the best thing I learned. Not only is he so resourceful to provide us many practical and insightful articles and links, but he also did the best he could to solve the problems we encountered and give us constructive feedback every week. As for the final project, all you had to do was connect the dots, combining everything that you learned and did in the past few weeks.
These past ten weeks has truly been hectic and fruitful. Although I have to admit that I didn’t do my best for very few of the assignments because I was busy doing something else, overall, I consider myself a dedicated student actively participating in everything this course demanded. Undoubtedly, I still need some time to fully take in all the abundant knowledge and skills from this course. And then, I will have to think about the real application of what I learned in the classroom.
I wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true.
Richard Li 


  1. Hi Richard,

    You always push the right button. The organization of the course and the wise guidance of Robert are probably the most important lessons we learned through this course.

    Wish you the best of everything,

  2. Hi Richard,
    I wrote the same tone about this course but not in so many words. I think others would too :).

    It's great to know all the other teachers from the different countries. From what I read in their posts, I think they are great teachers doing a fantastic job in TESL. Keep up the good work. You too Richard.

    It's sad that the course has come to a close but I believe the bonding between participants need not be so. We still have each others email. I have left my official email address on my blog and hope others would do so.

    Thin Peng

  3. Hi Richard!
    You are right considering yourself a dedicated and active student, I would add some more words- open and smart. Thank you a lot for your warm words. It was my pleasure to work with you. I would like to keep in touch with you. Let's hope for another chance for us to sign up a new course!
    Best of wishes,

  4. Hello Richard,

    I think you did great in this course. I enjoyed reading your comments in Nicenet and your blog. They were so accurate and from your heart. This help me to compare the things we were learning with life.

    I wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true, too! :)

    Wish you all the best,
