Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 9

Thanks to my peer reading partner, Thin Peng, I have revised some of my draft and also added certain extra information based on his suggestions. The first draft was done in a hurry last week, I found a lot to improve after careful proof reading this week. In addition to some typos and grammatical errors, some paragraphs were also not well-organized enough, and others were wordy and not concise. I really hope I’ve done a better job this time.

Of course, I also quickly went through others’ wonderful works and really admired their great efforts. We have teachers around the world, and some of them are teaching in colleges. Not only are those projects diverse and interesting, but some of them are actually good models for me to follow because of the thought-provoking ideas and good English writing skills. It would be great if we still the access to Robert’s Wiki because I would definitely need to go back and check all the works from each dedicated members of this online course.

 How to give proper individual guidance to every student in a large class has been a very hot topic here. For example, there were several workshops about “Differentiated Teaching” have been held to raise teachers’ awareness of its importance. Therefore, I think this week’s topic of discussion, “Multiple Intelligences, Learning Styles and Technology”, had much in common with it. As usual, we read suggested articles and learned more about it’s basic assumptions and practical resources we can use in the classroom in terms of technology. The most important thing for teachers is to identify each student’s unique learning styles and try to incorporate at least three intelligences when teaching new materials.

Where did the time go? It has been nine weeks already? Looking back on the past weeks, again, I would really like to say that I have learned so much more along the way week by week. With all the readings, tasks and final project each week, I really feel I’m a student again. So, I guess the next question would be how to apply what we have learned into our real classrooms and benefit our students. Also, when given an opportunities to do a presentation next time, I would also like to share this course with other English teachers in Taichung, Taiwan.

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